Alle 17 Fachbücher im günstigen Kombi-Angebot

Alle 17 Fachbücher im günstigen Kombi-Angebot Order Alle 17 Fachbücher im günstigen Kombi-Angebot

Alle 17 Fachbücher im günstigen Kombi-Angebot

All 17 reference books in one affordable bundle

The German language reference book series "Basic knowledge for fish experts" comprises the popular technical information series from FischMagazin.

The series is written using clear language, have many pictures and provide information illustrations and tables.

All 16 reference books of the series in one special price packet:
  • Afrikanischer Wels
  • Alaska-Seelachs
  • Austern
  • Cobia
  • Garnelen
  • Hering
  • Hummer
  • Kabeljau
  • Niltilapia
  • Pangasius
  • Rainbowtrout
  • Scholle und Flunder
  • Skipjack
  • Surimi
  • Tilapia
  • White Shrimp
  • Wolfsbarsch + Dorade
  • Published in German language

    Publication Details:

    Unit price: 120.00 € plus Postage