
TK-Report TK-Report subscription TK-Report Sample Issue Mediakit


TK-Report is the leading special interest magazine for the frozen food industry in the German-speaking market.

Established in 1973, it combines the knowledge and tradition of more than 45 years in the industry with the current requirements and look of a modern magazine. It offers comprehensive analyses and information on companies, products, brands, trends and developments in the market.

The young look of TK-Report guarantees a quick and easy overview of topics, the best usability and a quick reference to news, product groups, company portraits, service themes, country reports, interviews and surveys.

Varying "Forum specials in each magazine focus on themes in the frozen food industry:
  • Ready meals and snacks
  • Meat, game and poultry
  • Fish and seafood
  • Vegetables, fruit and potato products
  • Baked goods
  • Desserts and ice cream
Additionally, there are specials about
  • Brand and private label markets
  • The food service market
  • Sustainability
  • Technology and logistics
accompanied by comprehensive previews and reviews of the major trade shows and exhibitions.

The basic circulation of 6,500 copies per issue concentrates on Germany (6,000 copies) and the neighbouring countries of Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium (500 copies).

Our readership includes the frozen food industry itself as well as related wholesalers, retailers, suppliers of machinery and logistics, and leading companies in the food service markets such as franchise restaurants, company cafeterias, the healthcare segment (hospitals, retirement homes, etc.), party services, hotels and bakery chains. The readership percentages are:
  • 38% retail trade
  • 10% wholesale
  • 35% caterers (private and business), hotels, restaurants
  • 8% producers of frozen food
  • 4% transporters and refrigerated warehouses
  • 3% importers and commercial agencies
  • 2% others.
Reliability: TK-Report minus 18 offers its advertisers a powerful tool to reach existing and potential clients at reasonable rates. Its circulation is certified by IVW, a supervisory organisation that has been controlling and certifying circulation figures since 1949, thus ensuring the reliability of the publishers circulation data.

Magazine Details:

Issues per Year: 10
Subscription: 115.56 € plus Postage
gross price: 108.00 plus 7.56 € VAT (7%)

Contents of current Issue: PDFPDF File
Mediakit TK-Report: PDFPDF File